Interim (rehabilitation) prosthesis
Following an amputation you will generally be referred to a participating WA public hospital amputee clinic for assessment and referral to a rehabilitation program. As part of your treatment you may require an interim prosthesis soon after your surgery to assist healing and management of your residual limb. Prescription of interim limbs will depend on your individual condition and readiness for a fibreglass socket.
WALSA provides funding assistance for interim prostheses (including associated essential supplies) across all age groups for eligible WALSA clients. To assess your eligibility for funding you will be required to register with WALSA.
Except for agreed non-standard cases, interim products include a:
- standard Solid Ankle Cushion Heel (SACH) foot
- standard knee, or
- safety knee.
Definitive (permanent) prostheses
To determine the level of prosthetic componentry you will be provided with by WALSA, your mobility needs and abilities first need to be assessed by your PSP.
Please note the total funding limits detailed below under 'Funding of prostheses' are correct as at 1 October 2020.
Mobility class 1 – home walkers (standard SACH foot, standard knee or safety knee)
You would have the ability or potential to use a prosthesis to move around the home or walk on a flat surface at low speed. The walking time and the walking distance are both short due to your condition.
Treatment objective: To restore your ability to stand and enable you to walk around at home.
Mobility class 2 – restricted outside walkers
You would have the ability or potential to use a prosthesis to walk at low speed and to overcome minor obstacles such as kerbs, single steps or uneven ground. The walking time and the walking distance are both short due to your condition. Componentry rated at this level, not to exceed the maximum funding limit of $884.49 per foot. Standard knee to be determined by the PSP (not to exceed maximum funding of a Mobility Class 3).
Treatment objective: To restore your ability to stand and enable you to walk around at home and the immediate vicinity.
Mobility class 3 – unrestricted outside walkers
You would have the ability or potential to use a prosthesis to walk at moderate to high and variable speeds and to overcome most obstacles. You would be able to move around on open ground and carry out occupational, therapeutic and other activities that do not exert undue mechanical stresses on the prosthesis. The time and distance you walk are both marginally limited compared with limbed individuals. Componentry rated at this level not to exceed the maximum funding limit of $884.49 per foot and up to a maximum funding limit of $3,017.66 per knee.
Treatment objective: To restore your ability to stand and enable you to walk unhindered at home and, with minor restrictions only, outside.
Mobility class 4 – unrestricted outside walkers with very high demands
You would have the ability or potential to use a prosthesis to walk as per the unrestricted outside walker. In addition, high impact stresses and strains may occur because of high functional demands. The time and distance you walk are unlimited. Componentry rated at this level not to exceed the maximum funding limit of $1,352.75 per foot and up to a maximum funding limit of $3,329.85 per knee.
Treatment objective: To restore your ability to stand and enable you to walk unhindered at home and with unlimited walking and mobility outside.